mindsend's avatar
Oddly enough, I tend to prefer the religious ones: Its a lot less annoying having someone insist I'm going to a hell I don't believe in, being a spiritual person who doesn't believe in a set heaven and hell even if I do believe in life after death, then have someone venomously insist I'm an idiot because "science" when I likely know a LOT more science than they do.

It seems that agnostics are the only ones I've encountered who haven't been fanatical about it however since the whole thing about being agnostic is the whole "I don't know if there is or if there isn't."
SweetOctopiewriter's avatar
Spirituality is about the practice and inner peace- you can a paganist, believe in one god, a different god, or none. But according to religious fanatics, all spiritual people don't believe in a God, (which of course isn't true as I said earlier).

Personally, I believe in a Jesus even though it may be different than how they see him (watch me get shit for that in the future). The next time they reply to how I'm going to hell, I just reply with, "Sorry for the late reply. We were just doing a ritual sacrifice. Since that's what us pagans and spiritual people do."

I haven't seen any spiritual fanatics though :/. At least the ones I've met don't really care what other people think or believe, especially of us. When an atheist or religious fanatic goes on our pages and starts ranting, we just do the "ugh *face palm. mark as spam* thing." I think we just get annoyed for people telling us what to think or what to believe. We're not sheep.
mindsend's avatar
Most of the spiritual ones that I've encountered that are fanatical are fanatical about things other than their spiritual beliefs but rather trying to force their other opinions on you because they feel they're more enlightened then you are even if they are the sort who refuses to acknowledge that dolphin the mammal and dolphin the fish are different things and that the mammal dolphin is actually a fish and tries to force you to agree with them because they are older and 'smarter' than you or try to force conspiracy theories down your throat rather than religion. Trying to force you into situations that are horribly uncomfortable both physically and mentally, you don't want to be in because its 'good for your chi/karma", despite the fact it's just their son being physically abusive toward you and you not taking their bull. They felt they were right BECAUSE they were spiritual and unrestrained by religion, and thus it allowed them to do everything they did since they were superior.

But, like I said before, most of the spiritual people I know that aren't religious aren't like this and it's just EXTREMELY rare to run into.
SweetOctopiewriter's avatar
Ugh, just anyone who thinks they're superior because of their belief -.-

For this "group"/community I'm in, our thing is, "if you don't believe us, why should we try and prove it to you? We aren't doing this for skeptics. If someone does believe us, then yay for us, but we're not going to go out of our way to prove something to you."

If someone said they could read auras and astral travel and one person went, "I don't believe you! Prove it! Show it to us!" we just shrug and say, "why?"
mindsend's avatar
If someone wants proof that astral travel/projection is a thing, just send them to the documentary "Through the Wormhole: Is there a sixth sense" they actually tested astral projection/shared experiences in a controled lab setting and proved it's an actual thing that happens (Which made me feel pretty good since it explains how I somehow wandered into some of my friends dreamscapes while doing what I call a "Dreamhike", going through dreams lucidly but trying to find the answer to a problem) and pretty much proved the ability to predict the future is pretty much at least a little there for all human beings so some people might just be more sensitive to it/more aware of that part of their instincts in a broader medium.
SweetOctopiewriter's avatar
My dad watches that show, it actually seems pretty interesting. Even for those who aren't spiritual can say they astral travelled or remote viewed. Unfortunately, a lot of people ignore past the five senses. Having dreams about things before they happen is kind of trippy, too.
mindsend's avatar
*nod* Yeah, THOUGH the same episode DOES say its possible to predict the future/people react to things BEFORE they happen instinctively, so by that theory there's likely people who are more sensitive to things. I mean, I had to be forced awake the morning of 9/11/01 by my parents because I was in sobbing hysterics in my sleep, wracked with visuals things that were going to happen later on that day up north. Was able to give three people a run down of what was going to happen that day before any of it happened and had an entire class room witness me knowing people were jumping before it happened cause the news report was in the dream and I recognized it when it started. Not pleasant, especially since it wasn't something I purposely did or call upon on purpose OR turn off. And according to the Documentary, random number generators started reacting to it (noticeably) about a week before it happened, though they couldn't figure out what it was predicting until it peaked during the events and then fell back down to where it wasnt creating a ton of patterns.
SweetOctopiewriter's avatar
I've only had minor premonition dreams- one time, I had a random dream about sprained fingers. I wake up this morning to see my brother had sprained fingers and one of my friends at school did. So, mine aren't that interesting, lol.

One time, my friend, who has a history of sleep walking and sleep paralysis woke up in her parent's room. They were like, "how did you get here. We locked the door..."