PersephoneEosopoulou's avatar
I think so as well.

Anyway that out of the way, what are your thoughts on her going even further back eg to Caesars Rome or the aftermath of his death of just before Alexanders Conquest or the wars after his death ?.
RoyalPsycho's avatar
I'm not entirely sure.

She might have an easier time of spreading Heliosianism. The chauvanism of Ancient Greece would probably have made it about as difficult as the original Dawnverse for her to establish a female primogeniture based system.

There wouldn't be a rival organised religion to oppose her though so Heliosianism would have psread even further and then probably undergo some kind of schism, probably perpetrated by figures similar to Apollonia II.

Potential rivals for Caesar's Rome: (Parthia, some kind of Germanic Confederation)

Potential rivals for just before Alexander's Conquests (Carthage, Mauryan Empire, some kind of Gaelic Confederation)
PersephoneEosopoulou's avatar
The female primogeniture only came about because her heirs were daughters actually, she originally only wanted gender equal succession. Heliosianism was also a one off created more by her daughters then her, using Persephone's notes and anti-christian leanings to transform the small cult she established for her followers and transform it.

She cold reform traditional Greek ro Roman religion to make the gods more moral and less dickish however...

Also, good rival lists!