AVA-1966's avatar
You go to your corner! Haha.
shayu-kai's avatar
This does actually happen normally. If I go outside, there's some child, like maybe 5, screaming about how their mother won't let them use their iPhone. Which brings me to another subject, why the fuck do 5 year olds have iPhones?
Cu-Kulainn's avatar
I totally agree. My 12 year old and 10 year old sister all have iphones (that call and text), my little (almost) 7 year old sister has an iphone (that doesn't have actual service, but she uses kik with us). 

I'm like... I didn't get a damn phone until I was 16, almost 17! The heck?! :seriously: 
AVA-1966's avatar
Yeah, totally agree there. If I ever have kids, which, with a good percentage of the younger generations falling into the deep, black hole of ignorance, I doubt I will...but if by any chance I do, they won't even be getting phones until I know I can trust them. Age will vary by level of maturity.
shayu-kai's avatar
What good parents they are, letting a damn 5 year old use a iPhone. I mean it's not like their going to drop it on the ground or in water or let someone step on it. It's perfectly safe in a 5 year old's hands.