EyeGoCrazy's avatar
well you have only yourself to blame. You've impressed, and inspired me. 
Now I'll except no less. :pat:
cricketumpire's avatar
I think you warned me of the danger when we first met but I didn't listen did I!  Sad dummy 

I think there are two types of submission I would make. Both should be sound enough technically. The first would be to please the audience, e.g. the cute cat running. The second, would be the shot that maybe stands aside from the viewer's tastes but has artistic merit in its own right, e.g. the lilies. The second area is the more difficult! If it's both, then so much the better.

I remember you using the word 'bland' about "Built to last...". This might be a similar occasion. However, after discussion you did suggest 'your opinion isn't law' (although you did call me 'silly'!)  
As always, both than and now - thank you for your input dear critic!   Heart chix0r is a minx0r 
EyeGoCrazy's avatar
I still say that my opinion isn't law, or worth anymore than the value one places upon it.
I try very hard to be honest without being rude or hurtful, it's not one of my strengths unfortunately.
If in my attempt to give you constructive feedback Cricket, I hurt your feelings or in some way made you feel
less confident. I truly apologize.
I do think that you're photos meet both of your said requirements 95% of the time. :sorry: 
cricketumpire's avatar
You mean I could have ignored you (!) - but don't worry I appreciate all your comments, so there's no need to apologise in the slightest.

That last point though - 96%  :?
EyeGoCrazy's avatar
This is slightly awkward Cricket, because I believe that I said 95% of the time :ashamed:
cricketumpire's avatar
I think you should round the decimal up to the full 96% - come on be fair!  Dummy In da elevator 
EyeGoCrazy's avatar
if it means that much to you, sure thing Candy 
cricketumpire's avatar
         :La: in Love with :Dummy: