Cryptid-Creations's avatar
Wow, thank you so much! I'm going to really try and see how a bold ink style translates to mine.

Gotta admit, the painting style being the only workflow I use now seems pretty limiting.
joelduggan's avatar
What's funny, is that I'm trying to learn how to paint in Photoshop and I find the years that I've been doing inked cartoons is putting a limit on me. Maybe we need to compare notes. Ha!

If you're looking for some inspiration, one of the best inkers I know is Ramon Perez.
Cryptid-Creations's avatar
This is mostly hearsay, but from what I've heard, a lot of traditional painters claimed that it was easier to adapt at painting in PS with a Cintiq rather than an Intuos tablet. It apparently feels a lot more natural to them.

Thank you so much for the link, I really love his line-work. Inspiring stuff. :)
joelduggan's avatar
I can see that. I'm traditionally trained, not as a painter, but in drawing and design. I have a Cintiq 24HD and even after ten years of using various Wacom tablets, switching to the Cintiq made a big difference in getting what I want out of a piece.