Annabelle-Kirkland's avatar
Okay that does make sense (you actually taught me a little history) and the character shouldn't be held responsible for it. And it is appalling that they take pride in it. I actually might look up more stuff like that (I'm a war/history geek)
The-Chibi-Warrior's avatar
When they aren't denying it ever happened the Russian government pulls an America and says "the Germans deserved it for what they did; how dare you slander the ones who saved Europe from the Nazis?"
Annabelle-Kirkland's avatar
(please don't use the phrase "pull an America" it's rather insulting...) no country "deserves" any war.
The-Chibi-Warrior's avatar
Sorry. I was trying to be funny by referring to how I sometimes hear my fellow Americans say stuff like "If it weren't for us everyone would be speaking German" and "We should rename french fries 'freedom fries' because the French didn't do shit for us". I failed.
Annabelle-Kirkland's avatar
I'm sorry it's just usually when people say that they mean it offensively... (but America does say some weird stuff)
The-Chibi-Warrior's avatar
One time someone pulled the freedom fries joke on xbox and another guy shouted "Oh you're so funny! Dip your freedom fries in my ass!"
Annabelle-Kirkland's avatar
Yes because saying that in return is SO intelligent... people these days...
The-Chibi-Warrior's avatar
At least it's better than the four page long arguments about religion I see every time I try to watch space and nature documentaries on YouTube.
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