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SnoByrd's avatar
I didn't say we should force them to lose weight. If they want to ignore all warnings and inconvenience themselves fine but to tell them that they're living a healthy and good lifestyle does more harm than good.
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SnoByrd's avatar
 The reason I'm concerned is just basic humanity. In the same way a smoker should know the truth about his dangerous habits, so should an obese person. They shouldn't be lied to and told that they're healthy or that it's okay to stay that way. I'm not saying this out of mean spirit, it's the truth. Now I won't force them to lose weight or anything, but they should know the dangers of being overweight. Instead of encouraging them to stay in a way that harms them, why not encourage them to strive for a healthier lifestyle? 
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SnoByrd's avatar
They do need to be told however, the risks that come with being fat. And if you tell them that they should be happy living that way, than you're encouraging people to live in a way that puts them at risk or inconveniences them. The leading cause of death in the U.S. is heart disease which can easily be caused by obesity so people do need to be told what is right for them, at least health wise. Telling them that it's okay to be fat is putting them in harms way and shouldn't be encouraged.