Sketchywolf-13's avatar
You're talking "tuner" I can't hear you over the sound of V8 muscle. Lol
zsewq55912's avatar
what i can't hear you over my tuener turbo system and backfiring system.
Sketchywolf-13's avatar
Sorry I can't hear your car over the sound of a earth quaking  supercharged 460 V8!
zsewq55912's avatar
whay was that i can't hear you with the triple turbo system i instill with NOZ

( car tail pipe make a fireball and shoot the fireball to twilight tree home ) twilight: MY HOUSE!!!!!!!
Sketchywolf-13's avatar
Whats that? Turbo lag?
zsewq55912's avatar
I think the used backfiring system made a fireball and the noz and turbo must have made it to a ponit of the fleam.

btw we my have to run twilight there look for angry right now