xsdob's avatar
Right, because there are similarities it shouldn't be made lightly. Though there are little similarities between telling a joke and commiting the act of sexual violation.

Animal violence I can see, any depiction real or fictional should be frowned upon and probably removed, as its the next logical step. So pacific rim, star wars empire strikes back, indiana jones, lord of the rings, django, avengers and all of them should be heavily critiqued for their use of animal abuse at some point in their films. :P

Why stop there however? What about depictions of violence against people? That's a serious issue in the world, and I'm sure at some point a violent criminal has seen violence depicted to them in some media and that, and only that, was the biggest influence for their violent behavior. We should work to curtail all depictions of violence in every form, that means even showing people using violence to help save people should be wrong, and they should try to discuss things in a pacifistic and non-triggering way.

But going back to rape jokes, if implications are all that we need to say something is wrong, le'ts expand our crusade to other areas, such as the realm of music. All the songs we don't think have appropriate topics and possible bad implications should be altered or removed immediately, because this isn't something to be taken lightly.

And of course we can't forget the biggest offenders, the oldest media of written word. Removing references of violence and sexuality from books is a key to attaining a truely better world. After all, if there are no depictions, and no implications, surely that will solve the real world problems.

Now where have I heard all this before?