Alexander-Brandt's avatar
Now you're creating a strawman.

I'm not talking about limiting your creations based on your real life experiences. We're talking about viewing something in its entirety before criticizing it.

If you attempt to attack anything without viewing it, be it a movie, a book, or a comic, then you are attacking it based on incomplete information, often on heresay (such as those people who parrot the opinions of better paid critics). In your journal, you admit that you've drawn your conclusions based on trailers and interviews.

You do not have a valid complaint with the movie yet. Do you have a valid issue with the premise? With aspects of the movie observable from the trailer, such as the design of the Turtles? Absolutely. But at this point, your opinion about the movie as a whole is invalid because you are jumping on a hate bandwagon.

Was TMNT any good? Eh. Was it terrible? Another eh. To me, it hovered in that little pocket of mediocrity reserved for films that have zero impact on me, but don't offend me. However, unlike the conclusion you've drawn in your journal, it is a conclusion based on viewing the entire film.
TomPreston's avatar
Well then I'm afraid we're going to have to agree to disagree.

If someone were to, say, watch 10 minutes of "Biodome" and determine that the movie wasn't for them, I'm not gonna "call them out" on having not seen the entire movie BEFORE coming to a conclusion. Their negative experience ABSOLUTELY justifies their ability to walk out and be critical of what they DID see. We are not robots, and I am sick and tired of people like you saying people's opinions "don't matter" because they didn't sit 100% through a shitty movie, book, comic, or game.

I'm also sorry you wasted your time sitting through the movie to only give it a "meh." Unlike you, I value my time and money more than that. And if something is clearly NOT going to deliver value to me, I am not going to sit here and waste my time/money on it.
Alexander-Brandt's avatar
They are absolutely justified in walking away, but it means that their experience is limited to the portion they observed, just as you only watched trailers and interviews, limiting the objectivity of your opinion to those trailers and interviews.
TomPreston's avatar
I'm not debating that. I'm just saying you shouldn't disqualify someone's opinion as a result.
Alexander-Brandt's avatar
Not totally, but the opinion is less valuable, since the person behind it is attempting to pick apart something they haven't yet experienced.
TomPreston's avatar
"You mean I'd have to die to have a discussion with you about being dead?"

Thank you Mr. Spock.
Alexander-Brandt's avatar
In truth? Yes, someone would have to die and return to speak on a personal level about dying. That is different than speaking about death.
TomPreston's avatar
I give up on this conversation. You're insane. We are human beings not robots.
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