Keeneye47's avatar
... Wow... That's creepy... But fitting.
Vector-Brony's avatar
Think about what he does to the enemy enclave. He would be terrifying.
Keeneye47's avatar
Especially considering that his voice is stuck on being f**king loud!

So.. His looks, skill and loud voice... *Shivers*

Terrifying... I would not like to be on his bad side.
Vector-Brony's avatar
Or the mouse. That pink cloud is deadly
Keeneye47's avatar
F**K THAT CLOUD! I just recently beat the Dead Money DLC (which is what FoE Canterlot was more or less based on) and GOOD LORD THE FOG!

Especially on Hardcore mode! 

God... That cloud... Like I said, I would stay as FAR away from this dudes bad side as humanly possible!

Cause, I would lose... And I would lose HARD!