shadrougeforever's avatar
Yeah when I first played RE, it scared the living hell outta me. I was paranoid of zombies for weeks. XD
But now I'm no longer frightened of it anymore. ^^
My fave RE game was the very first one. Because I think it was the scaryiest.=D
Amyrosefan4ever's avatar
U know the funny thing tho? My mom was always warning me I'd get nightmares from the game, but the worst dream I had was when a Zombie was interviewed by a news reporter. O.o Kinda weird but no blood or gore. Strange how blood and zombies can't scare a 7 year old child... But I guess maybe if I tried to play the game I'd been a little more frightened.
Amyrosefan4ever's avatar
U know the funny thing tho? My mom was always warning me I'd get nightmares from the game, but the worst dream I had was when a Zombie was interviewed by a news reporter. O.o Kinda weird but no blood or gore. Strange how blood and zombies can't scare a 7 year old child... But I guess maybe if I tried to play the game I'd been a little more frightened.
shadrougeforever's avatar
Yeah I was scared to death when I played when I was little but now I realized zombies aren't real so why should I be so frightened.:giggle:
But even now I still love to play the scariest out of all the RE games. Which is the first one.:heart:
And yes...a very weird dream indeed. XD
Amyrosefan4ever's avatar
Yeah I was a pretty smart 7 year old so I knew that zombies weren't real. I still don't get that dream... Oh btw have you seen any of the RE movies?
shadrougeforever's avatar
I've only seen the first and second movie so far.
Amyrosefan4ever's avatar
I don't think I could see it. Seems too scary for me. The game is less scary than the movie. Although when I was at the movies I did see a kid who was even younger than me see extinction with his parents. I think my brother has seen all of them except Extinction because hes at college now.
shadrougeforever's avatar
Yeah I need to see Extinction now.
Amyrosefan4ever's avatar
Sounded pretty good for something I would probably never see in my life. ANYWAY I hope you enjoy it. :)