Bijnok's avatar
Thanks for this great skin !

Color settings are almost perfect, specifically the color pointer to set according to the background ; however a transparency setting would be really nice :)
Bijnok's avatar
Actually, to change the transparancy of colors (and colors themselves), you can go in ...\Rainmeter\Skins\TwitchLiveFollowers\resources and open in your favorite text editor.

There, just add a fourth number to the desired color to change its transparency.
This number has to be between 0 (full transparency) and 255 (full opacity).
Example with the first one : colorTitleBar=107,0,50,100
Save the file and refresh your skin.

Note that any other number (greater than 255) will make the color fully transparent.
Thanks a lot for this skin again, I'll post what I've done with it later :)
Wallboy19's avatar
The color changing addon itself has no support for transparency. This wasn't because of a technical limitation, but due to that fact that when you add transparency, it is entirely dependent on your desktop wallpaper on what it will actually look like. But yes you can manually add transparency that way, but beware if you ever use the color option changer, it may reset the field and delete the transparency once again.

Glad your enjoying the skin :)
Bijnok's avatar
Yeah that's what I thought about the color option changer ; I like transparency anyway, and what remains colored represents only small changes if I need to evolve :D

Here is an example of what I just did
Wallboy19's avatar