PRlNCE's avatar
They don't listen because they straight up don't care.
Talk to them nicely, they'll accuse you of preaching. Show them scientifical facts, they'll accuse you of preaching. 

There are tons of documentaries; there's cowspiracy, which highlights the consequences of eating animal products over land and sea. There's forks over knives, about health. the World Health Organization has already said that eating meat literally raises your chance of getting cancer as much as smoking does. 

There's earthlings, which exposes the cruelty animals suffer, how pigs are submerged under boiling water alive, drowning on it, their lungs burning from the inside after an entire life of being caged & unable to lay down, without seeing the sunlight, after having their genitals and ears cut off without anesthesics, raped to produce more babies.

This information already exists, its already out there and it has been for a while now, and people refuse to listen, because its easier to blame activist for ''shaming personal choices'' than to reflect on /why/ they're being shamed.

Shame on anyone who financially supports the anal and vaginal fisting of cows for milk and veal, the grounding alive of baby chickens for eggs, the mass killing of billions of beings every year, and tries to shame the people who try to stop such cruelty instead of reflecting on their own acts.
Felix-Sebastian's avatar
I understand your anger. My host tries to tell people that meat can be just as bad as the animal abuse they are complaining about, but whenever she does, they jump down her throat over it. 

I do not think it is a matter of them not caring, but a matter of them not wanting to know. A lot will not listen, but as the generation goes on, more and more people will understand. The best you can do now is spread facts, as shaming them will just make them even angrier towards your point of view.