Star1ight77's avatar
I believe that Terra was turned to stone or something... but before that betrayed BB and worked with Slade
Snxppy's avatar
No, they created a memorial as tribute to Terra. However later within the series Terra's statue is gone, symbolizing that she's still alive. Beast boy soon finds a school girl who looks exactly like Terra, and it turns out it was her. Terra wanted to disappear and live a normal life because everywhere she went she just ended causing harm and damage. If Terra had known Slade's evil intentions, she most likely would have backed off. But this is where we go into the background of Terra's life. Terra ran away from her family because she didn't want to harm any of them with her inability to control her powers. So she became insecure and Slade had found Terra. Terra obviously being naive, had trusted Slade that he could teach her how to control her powers. The part she didn't know about was that her powers were going to be used for the wrong intention. See where I'm getting at? She really did love beast boy and backed off for the greater good. So honestly BBxTerra