MaKuZoKu's avatar
Wow ,nice work :D Rare to see fanart of this character ,i wish Capcom would incorportate her in a street fighter game : ) 

she is in street fighter 5 so yeah you got your wish

MaKuZoKu's avatar

Well I'm well aware of that as I paid money for her, not sure why you feel the need to tell me this on a very old comment though... :V

well i didn't know that's why

Dreamgate-Gad's avatar
Thank you!!! yeah i think she deserves to be in a Street Fighter game too :)
MaKuZoKu's avatar
Also,imagine a Final fight game with today's graphics :D Would be cool :) 
Dreamgate-Gad's avatar
Yeah, but keep the idea and add some street fighter characters in that game,
just imagine Ken beating some punks and then SHORYUKEN on Andore :)