saiyron's avatar
bought by :iconprojectcomment:!
my tag is animal

so i gotta start with the reindeer lol, it looks wonderful and so is his coloring/shading simple yet fits  
the main character "girl" has an overall problem with her proportion and one eye bigger then the other
that said her face looks more realstic then her body so it doesnt look like it belonge to it but you colored her well execpt her hair could of blended it more plus her face lack color  
i think the gene is the highlight of this piece as you did him with accuracy and great amount of details ! bravo!
the other guy character also looks good generally although he have fat or big arms for his body...
for the background it is wonderful even with so many colors but i think it could have been better if you did the city with an other color then green like black and you should of have left the leaves would have been a nice detail!

anyway i couldn't figure out what's the dark blue thing in the background ?!

next tag is water