Raja-Ulat's avatar
They do? 0_o
Sorry but I only heard of green, black and crynsentinum teas. -_-
Vanessanon's avatar
there are soooo many teas in this world. If u start with my pantry u would already be confused! ;) FYI white tea is made from the same plant as green and black tea. But the leaves are picked and harvested before the leaves open fully, when the buds are still covered by fine white hair. Hence the name. White tea is scarcer than the other traditional teas, and quite a bit more expensive. It is known to be extremely high in antioxidants, and it does not taste nearly as bitter as black or green tea
Shadow-bombay's avatar
I'm a big redneck, and grew up on a farm. I tried all sorts of herbal and flora teas.

Never heard of white tea? o_o
Vanessanon's avatar
btw, sorry but i replied to the wrong person - oops! blonde moment ;p
Vanessanon's avatar
FYI white tea is made from the same plant as green and black tea. But the leaves are picked and harvested before the leaves open fully, when the buds are still covered by fine white hair. Hence the name. White tea is scarcer than the other traditional teas, and quite a bit more expensive. It is known to be extremely high in antioxidants, and it does not taste nearly as bitter as black or green tea. :D
Shadow-bombay's avatar

That's a far better description than I could have figured out. @_@
Vanessanon's avatar
probly coz i copied and pasted it from a website explaing white tea. teehee ;p ( i know, that's cheating )
Raja-Ulat's avatar
Shadow-bombay's avatar
Look it up, Dearie.