Pi-Productions's avatar
Thanks for the comment, Anuranjan. I would have gone for something a lot faster and in your face, though as it was for a job application, I wanted to make a bit of a one sided compromise between my own personal touch and the original design that Madman would recognise. The compromise being more on their side as the job requirement would be that I follow other's instruction until I am given my own freedom as I still have not been employed in any such field.

I did manage to replace the laser cross hatch lines from the original cover with the more suited tile styles seen in older Sonic games, though tilted on the same angle as the laser lines. The other personal touch was the retrace of Next-Gen Sonic on the back to sort of bring a fresher look to it all.

Perhaps if Madman DID hire me and re-liscenced the DVD, I would have done a very different DVD Sleeve AND I would ask them if I could re-dub the voices to match the original japanese dialogue. :S
MrHellz's avatar
Your Most Welcome! :) I appreciate that you have knowledge of how design might get effected with the compromise of designers own desires. And knowing that fact AFTER your kind explanation, I hope the 'Madman' Understands the way 'I have' and hires you. :) Good luck!