Souhiro's avatar
Sorry, I cannot take Seo from my head :p Even if you did a cute Mialee

Because the Mialee from the Core Rulebook could at least cast a cantrip on her hair!
AlaiziaDarkstar's avatar
I didn't do this pic.
Souhiro's avatar
Just keep in mind: Mialee doesn't look secure about herself. She doesn't look that she could go alone in an adventure. Even her Epic Level portraits show us a weakling: Weak arms, weak torso, weak eyes...

Seoni isn't Amiri, and she isn't Valeros: She cannot bend iron with her bare hands. But she looks like she knows her limits, and doens't have any fear to test them.

That's the difference, and that's why Mialee doesn't look like an adventurer, and Seoni does.
AlaiziaDarkstar's avatar
eeeerrr... oooooook.... I never said anything about them not looking like adventurers.