satrox13's avatar
yeh i was amaze to see that from lerio, i'm thinking his power prob got something with healing. and his nen is enhancer .

maybe since it is his job haha. what if the zodiac asked him to be part of them? I wonder if we get to see the spiders again?

that would be awesome and gone would be super stronger then ever!!!

what do you think about nester's son? I think he going to be enjoyable character to watch. 

I think it going to be not only bigger but better than any other arc!! prob longer than the ant!!

yeh you don't need to, it just a repeat. 

zxy8's avatar
That's possible. Although that attack wasn't much healing XD

Hmmmm. Well I hope The Troupe along with Hisoka go on the journey - it's more fun with Hisoka.

I think Beyond is a "good" character. Perhaps he just wants to explore and do his own thing - kind of like Ging.

That ant arc was rather long XD Good, but longer than manyarc lengths.
satrox13's avatar
hahaha, it a healing for leroio because punching him might had felt good haha.

That would be awesome! I was disappointed that Hisoka missed out the ant battle. that would be fun to see.And who knows we might even get to hisoka vs gon.

Do you trust that character? since i feel, he is hiding something.

which part is your fave in the arc?
zxy8's avatar

I have a feeling that Gon will face Hisoka near the end of the series perhaps. It may be Gon's last battle.

Well I prefer him than the people trying to stop him from going. I trust him more than I don't trust him. I don't think he is hiding anything terrible.

My favourite part of the arc was when the group began their assault on the compound. The animation went rather slow, and the narrator was describing what was happening - this lasted for many episodes and it was awesome. After many episodes and a lot of content, not a lot of time had passed and it wil good.

What was your favourite part of the arc?
satrox13's avatar
after histoka and gon, there should be gon ging!

Dude, that part is pretty good too, I love it especially the part with killua on it. That was the first anime i saw that actually explained in depth what is going on.

my favorite part will be natso vs  the king. The battle was so epic and how natso keep his leg from bleeding? that hard cord man haha. i also liked the part when youpi give mercy to kunckle. That really amp up my respect for youpi!

which of the royals guard do you like?
zxy8's avatar
Hmmmm, I don't know if that would happen, unless Ging wants to test Gon or something like that.

Woo. I see.

It was clever how the massive explosion poisoned Meruem. That led to some sad moments. It was good of Youpi to show mercy.

I like Pitou and Youpi. Pouf was annoying, but was an effective villain. What about you?
satrox13's avatar
I'm surprised that the king even survive that explosion haha. Yeh i agree it was sad to see natso die, but hey togashi was kind enough to bring in his son to the story. (like a substitute for natso )maybe he will be good or better .

pouf is a bit annoying, with how his emotions being unstable haha. Youpi because one he shown mercy and respect to his opponent . Also I like and enjoy how he fights haha. Pitou, I have kinda have respect, since she did said "im sorry" for not able to do anything else to help gon but still a bit mad about her killing off kite. But youpi would be my favorite haha.
zxy8's avatar
I think Beyond seems like a good character for the story, so that's good.

I see - woo.
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