dweebzilla's avatar
i can guarantee there would be significantly less islamophobia if muslims were mostly white
CutestSith's avatar
Muslims are mostly Asian. Most of the world is mostly Asian. 
dweebzilla's avatar
im aware of that, the fact remains though is that most people think "middle-eastern" when they hear the word muslim

also, asians aren't white, so my point still stands anyway
CutestSith's avatar
>the fact remains though is that most people think "middle-eastern" 


also, asians aren't white,

Honorary Aryans and all that according to the neos tight?
dweebzilla's avatar
do you need an MLA format sourced and cited essay to prove that most people think of middle-eastern people when a mainly middle-eastern religion is brought up? lmao, ok

i dont give a shit about nazis boo this is irrelevant
CutestSith's avatar
>do you need an MLA forma

I prefer Chicago stlye plz.

>most people think of middle-eastern people when a mainly middle-eastern religion is brought up?

So people also think of brown people when they talk of Judaism and Christianity?

i dont give a shit about nazis

You sure?

dweebzilla's avatar
not giving you an essay, not worth my time

not necessarily, because the contexts in which those two are thought of are mainly european or north american- christianity being dominant in north america (and jesus himself being whitewashed in most classical art depicting him) and european jews being singled out in europe in the holocaust. the context most people have for islam is "the religion those middle-eastern countries we're fighting practice".

i mean, i hate them, but their opinions are less than worthless to me, so
CutestSith's avatar
>not giving you an essay, not worth my time

Pixel pepe 4 

not necessarily, because the contexts in which those two are thought of are mainly european or north american- christianity being dominant in north america (and jesus himself being whitewashed in most classical art depicting him) and european jews being singled out in europe in the holocaust. the context most people have for islam is "the religion those middle-eastern countries we're fighting practice".

But you said Middle Eastern religion = brown people. So.....
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Horus2299's avatar
That's a hypothetical situation, so no, you can't "guarantee" anything. It's something that can't be proven one way or another.

In any case, followers of the Islamic religion are mostly being judged based on actions done in the name of their religious beliefs. It's clearly illogical to judge an entire group based on the actions of select individuals, but that doesn't change the fact that the majority of religious terrorists in the world identify themselves as Muslims. It basically has nothing to do with what they look like, and everything to do with all the people who have been murdered in the name of Islam.
dweebzilla's avatar
ha. haha. hahaha! that's hilarious! it's almost as if you've forgotten that more people have been killed in the name of christianity than any other religion in the world today and yet somehow most christians aren't lumped in with the clinic bombers or the kkk the way muslims- who outnumber christians, by the way- are lumped in with isis. gee, could that be that a majority of people think "white person" when they think of a generic christian and "brown person" when they think of islam? it's almost as of racism is a thing that exists!! and those "islamic extremist groups" target mosques regularly; they are not followers of islam, they are fearmongers and opportunists. this hate for islam, this massive backlash, is making isis more powerful. thinking like yours is exactly what they want- you are driving peaceful muslims directly into the hands of those you would condemn.
Horus2299's avatar
For one thing, I challenge you to find any type of evidence at all from any source (opinion articles don't count as "evidence" by the way) that more violence has been done in the name of Christianity than Islam. I could give you proof that more than of the ongoing armed conflicts in the world are either instigated or being perpetuated by Islamic terrorists, and that countries under Islamic law are the only ones in the world that give the death penalty for blasphemy and homosexuality, even though it's legal to for a man to marry a 12 year old girl, but it's just a "coincidence" that all these people are calling themselves Muslim, right?

The Klan and abortion clinic bombers are nothing compared to international groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. I'm not even going to count the "Lone Wolf" Muslim terrorists, because I don't need to. If I did of course, the death toll caused by Muslims would be even higher. You sound as if you're completely unaware of the Islamic Jihads that spread across  Asia, Africa, even parts of Europe during the Middle ages, rivaling the Crusades in their ferocity, and starting centuries before them. Contrast that with Christianity which was at least sometimes spread peacefully, especially in its early history, and the modern age.

If you think that most Islamic extremists don't have at least as much hatred for non-Arabs, I've got a bridge to sell you.

You do have a point that we should try to build a good relationship with peaceful Muslims rather than pushing them away, but that's an effort that has to go both ways. You can't have a compromise where only one side gives something up, and the other side doesn't give anything. Also, the Muslims who really are peaceful won't support terrorist groups in the first place. Those who do were already considering violence beforehand.

The hatred towards Christianity and the American people demonstrated by Muslim extremists, not to mention the violence they're causing, is making the Ku Klux Klan and other groups like it more powerful. Al Qaeda and ISIS are giving Islamophobes exactly what they want- they are driving moderate Christians and conservatives into the hands of those you would condemn.
CutestSith's avatar
Couldn't help but see your debate. Faggot below only posted stats in the U.S. World Wide Islamic terrorism reign supreme. This is also ignoring that Islamic terrorism is not common in the U.S because depart of homeland and FBI are good at catching them before they can commit terrorism.
Horus2299's avatar
You have good and valid points, but even if you put all of them aside, he's still wrong. According to most of the sources that came up, Muslim terrorists commit 6% of the terrorist attacks in the United States. That may not sound like a lot, but it really is, because in the year 2001, around the time this data was gathered, Muslims were only .5% of the US population. If you divide those two numbers, it means that American Muslims' percentage for terrorist attacks is 12 times higher than that of their population. Imagine what those numbers would look like if Muslims were 5% of the population instead of .5%.

Long story short, the freaking idiot tried to be clever with me, and ended up proving me right.

Another interesting thing I found is the percentage of Latino Power and Far Left terrorist attacks. It isn't relevant, but I didn't even realize the numbers were that high.

PS. It's unusual for me to be in agreement with a Satanist on something, but war makes strange bedfellows I suppose. Islamic extremism has everything that people hate about Christian extremism, only to a far greater extant. Anyone who denies that is either ignorant or lying.
dweebzilla's avatar
"islamic terrorists" bfy.tw/8Tvm

"only countries under islamic laws kill gays" bfy.tw/8Tw1

"it's legal to marry a 12 year old" bfy.tw/8Twk and by most accounts mary was 14-16 when she married joseph who was in his 20s, so

"which at least spread peacefully sometimes" en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forced…

"that's an effort that has to go both ways" what is america giving up by not blaming all muslims for jihadists lmao

(last paragraph here) bfy.tw/4ief :^)
Horus2299's avatar
First of all, you didn't even quote me properly, but instead paraphrased and misrepresented what I was saying. Most of your reply simply consisted of Straw man fallacies.

I never said that gays aren't killed in other countries, I only said that it's legal to execute them in some countries under Sharia law. The same can't be said for any other countries.

The current age of consent in Israel is 16, but there are Islamic nations with no age of consent at all, because sex is only legal between a married male and female regardless of the girl's age.

I didn't even deny that Christianity had a partly violent history. I only said that it wasn't constantly violent, while the origins of Islam are almost entirely based in warfare, which was only brought to an impasse by the counterattacks of its enemies. Comparing Islam to Christianity is like comparing a mass murderer to someone who gets  drunk and starts a bar fight. They're both violent, but one is clearly far worse than the other.

You'll have to explain that last one to me, because simply linking me to a Google search for "False Equivalence" doesn't mean that you're correct. Give at least one reason why what I said was any less valid that what you said about Muslims being pushed toward ISIS. I also notice that you didn't refute my point about the so-called "Peaceful" Muslims who would supposedly join ISIS.

As for the issue of terrorism, see CuteSith's reply and my response to it.
QuailEggsAndGoatMilk's avatar
May I remind you that Islamic terrorists attacks and ISIS are a thing? Do you really think that if the people who did 9/11 and every other terrorist attack were white rather than middle eastern, then Muslims wouldn't be hated?
dweebzilla's avatar
may i remind you of clinic bombers and the kkk existing and christians having a history of persecuting and murdering nonchristians, gays, trans people, natives, other races, and people still not hating christians the way they hate muslims for a tiny group of extremists who literally don't even follow the religion they claim to be doing these things for? they attack mosques, they are not muslim.
QuailEggsAndGoatMilk's avatar
Islamic extremism today causes way more damage then christian extremism. And just because they "aren't actually Muslim" doesn't change the fact that people think of Islam when they think of these attacks.
dweebzilla's avatar
more people have killed in the name of christianity than any other religion, but we don't think of all christians as terrorists, so why do people assume all muslims are terrorists for a small sect that doesn't even legitimately follow islam? i'll give you a hint: most muslims are not white and everyone knows americans hate brown people.
QuailEggsAndGoatMilk's avatar
Yeah, some people are racist, but that doesn't mean that someone is automatically racist if the hate Islam. 
dweebzilla's avatar
i mean you can tell yourself that if you want but this massive backlash against muslims definitely isnt backlash against JUST the religion bc it's actually a really peaceful religion. it literally is, at least partially, a racism issue. you cannot separate islamophobia from racism against middle-eastern people. that's why one of the slurs used against muslim men and women involves the n word and why people assume anyone who looks middle-eastern is muslim.
QuailEggsAndGoatMilk's avatar
"bc it's actually a really peaceful religion"
You clearly don't know very much about the religion itself in that case.

And if someone is gonna be racist, they are gonna be racist, them being Muslim or not. If they hate "brown people" they will hate them if they are Muslim or not.
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