ThalassoAtrox's avatar
Not at all, we know that it coexisted with larger pliosaurs like Pliosaurus and Simolestes.
dolphin-xht's avatar
I know this comment was posted long time ago, but I still find it necessary to point out that Pliosaurus comes from newer formations and therefore does not live alongside Liopleurodon - in fact I think it is even possible that Pliosaurus evolved from a Liopleurodon-like ancestor. Simolestes, with its 0.7m long skull, is just as often exaggerated as Liopleurodon once was. Despite having a shorter snout, hence the name, Simolestes is most likely to be significantly smaller than Liopleurodon. And based on the existing material it seems to be a cephalopod specialist - the pilot whale of the Callovian if you will (while Liopleurodon may be the killer whale equivalent).
AcrocanthosaurusA's avatar
There can be multiple apex predators in an ecosystem.
ThalassoAtrox's avatar
It can`t, every ecosystem can only have one apex or top of the food chain predator.
Phillip2001's avatar
in the Late Jurassic there were in North America and 4 top predators: Allosaurus, Epanterias, saurophaganax and Torvosaurus.
SpinoInWonderland's avatar
Nah, only the one on the highest trophic level (the one which isn't itself preyed upon) is the apex predator. The others would be mesopredators.
We have multiple highest trophic level predators in Africa, and while some may be more dominant than others, none of them are actually seen as prey (they are killed as competition)
AcrocanthosaurusA's avatar
Pliosaurus and Simolestes are of similar size though.
ThalassoAtrox's avatar
You seem to be misinformed, to put it into perspective : Liopleurodon 6,5 m, Simolestes 10 m and Pliosaurus 13 m, it`s very clear who would dominate who and Liopleurodon was more or less a middle of the food chain predator in the late Jurassic seas, a predator of ichyosaurs and plesiosaurs ,but also prey himself for larger pliosaurs.
SpinoInWonderland's avatar
I'm pretty sure both of them are larger than Liopleurodon, and among the two, Pliosaurus is the larger one.
AcrocanthosaurusA's avatar
There is more than one species of pliosaurus .