D-Prototype's avatar
That is so awesome! Who was the hardest to draw, in your opinion?
that-one-guy-again's avatar
Any of the Fire Emblem franchise and other Human-like characters,It wasn't too simple of a transition from their original look to the more expressive toon flair
D-Prototype's avatar
I do agree they can be pretty difficult to stylize at time.  I'm not too good at a super-expressive cartoon flair.  I have a more static approach.
that-one-guy-again's avatar
I like the cartoon flair,only for the reason it can be so expressive despite simplicity.
D-Prototype's avatar
I gotta agree.  Still, I don't think I'd be willing to give up my own style.
that-one-guy-again's avatar
never give up your style, but don't be afraid to experiment either.