Keiichi-K1's avatar
Hmm, definitely sounds like a possibility. Perhaps I am a bit biased, as I have always loved Katt's normal design, and I really want something to happen between her and Ryu. But then, maybe she can be Shamanized for a while, thinking that greater power is all she needs, and Ryu asks for her to go back to the way she was, somehow proving she is more useful that way. Probably similar with all characters, their shamanized forms being an escape of sort, that helps at first but proves to be a detriment down the road, necessitating a return to their true form.
Personally, if I ever get a chance to do my own BOF II adaptation, I'll have Katt and Nina decide to remain in their Shamanized forms permanently (as signs that they've changed for the better), and have Spar decide to stay in "her" Mushroom Girl form as well (because it finally helps her decide what she really is).

But for your version, you can do what you want with it and I won't complain about it any further.

(I'll still be looking forward to seeing Katt, Nina, and Spar Shamanized in your work for a while, though-preferably during the final battles against Barbuary and Deatheven.)
Keiichi-K1's avatar
Probably shamanized until Barubary, whom they cannot defeat until they decide to shed their shamanized forms. Almost like how Barubary seems to be a lesson, of sort, for Ryu when he was younger, he'll be the same with the other characters, showing their true power is in themselves, not the merging. I know, tired old anime scenario, but it works.
Very well.

And in my own version (when and if I ever do it), the Shamanizations themselves will symbolize the characters changing for the better.

To each his own, I guess.

At any rate, here's to (hopefully) looking forward to your adaptation in the future...