ginag0126's avatar
How much to ship and entire cost? Did you take any photography classes, you are amazing! Taking a photography class next term in college. You really inspire me.
ssuunnddeeww's avatar
i teach photography in Latvia at the moment :)
ginag0126's avatar
wish you taught online classes.
ssuunnddeeww's avatar
i wish I could go to teach photo, you may ask your school maybe they are interested to invite me...
ginag0126's avatar
You can teach me :)
ssuunnddeeww's avatar
Print costs about 10 dollars aprox.+ 10 dollars for post services...
ginag0126's avatar
you had an image of someone walking on some sort of bridge, something about a perspective of life. I dont see it in the gallery now.
ginag0126's avatar
Thanks, cool image!