lady-warrior's avatar
I used to watch that show when I was little it was on the Cartoon Network. I never really understood or liked it. :confused:
FindingOx's avatar
That's ok, I remember when it was on Cartoon Network (maybe I'm wrong though) it was heavily butchered. In the 70s, 'Battle of the Planets' was already a cut-down and edited version for violence (so the story changed), and they changed the character names, etc. Inside they also included animation snippets of a meaningless R2D2-copy robot and his robot dog to fill time. By the time they showed this series again (this is what I remember and maybe the version you saw), they changed the characters names again, to ridiculous ones, and they also included their own music, which one fan-site correctly described as being worse than Chinese water torture (it was just like meaningless rock instrumentals jamming continuously non-stop). It was absolutely unbearable to watch, so I understand.