caffiend's avatar
How did I miss this the first time I went through your gallery? This is so cool, she was my favorite character from the series (not counting the little girl hidden character)
TikaDraws's avatar
Thanks! She was my favorite character in the series, too! I loved her weird fighting stance and her fighting techniques! :)
caffiend's avatar
If you can ever find/download the anime she was great in that too. Also, the talisman is actually another person, didn't know if you knew that. But in one of the games, the Talisman was a hidden character and in the anime when she wasn't fighting it came off and changed into another woman who she hung out with all the time.
TikaDraws's avatar
There was an anime?? :omg: Oh, I HAVE to see it! I'll find it somehow! :)

Oh yeah, I knew the talisman was actually another person, but I didn't know that she was a hidden character!! That's freakin' sweet! :nod:
caffiend's avatar
Haha, see, I found it for you. Yeah, I know, I'm awesome. ;-)
TikaDraws's avatar
Haha! :lol: Yes you are awesome indeed! :highfive:
caffiend's avatar
Yeah, it's like a little talisman that just kinda runs around. It's like using Servbot in Marvel VS Capcom 2. I'll see if I can find the movie online for you.

Here, I found a clip. If you go here you can watch Episode 4. About 2 minutes in she fights. Plus you can find links there to every episode so you can watch them all.

TikaDraws's avatar
Thank you so much for finding that clip for me!! That was very nice of you to go through so much effort! :hug:

She looks awesome in this anime! They all do! I almost forgot how huge the guys are! Demitri has a small head with a body that's just pure muscle!! :lol: I'll watch all the episodes later! Thanks again! :glomp:
caffiend's avatar
Haha, no problem. Anything for a friend.