LoveElfEars's avatar
I didn't know about you when I came up with my OC. I only knew Yuru and Rinny and was all. "Blue's Taken... Pink's Taken... I don't like red, green, or yellow hair, It's too flashy. I don't want natural hair colors.... Purple?..." 
And then I meet you and Meghan and was all "RIP I ALREADY HAVE LIKE 20 PICTURES OF MY CHARA I CAN'T JUST GO BACK AND DITCH IT...." 
at least it's lavendarish. ; w;' People draw it a lot on more of a bright pink side rip. But yeah. ahhh, you'll always be the best purple hair+original.  
Raspdere's avatar
Hehehe, my hair is actually suppose to be a dark blue/purple almost black, but most artists draw it wrong so I just kind of went with it lol.
I was going to go with pink or lavender hair originally, but I decided that my OC was too bright as I wanted her to wear pastel clothes. :P
Your OC is adorable though. *Q*
LoveElfEars's avatar
I may add something to the hair though eventually, like maybe a white streak or something. been tempted to lately. 
sigufaira's avatar
not sure if white streaks would match, because it can interrupt with the possible designs people can make when you make a request.
The best way is to keep it simple so the when you request someone they are less limited to the color selection to match the overall contrast