Acerbic450's avatar
Thanks buddy, how's it been?
Lilly-Lamb's avatar
You're welcome! Racing Girl Emoji (Lovely Wink) [V3] 

Things have been very busy, either I'm working extra hours at or too tired to do anything. Then there's the whole business with my laptop

( just download Windows 8.1 without any problems, that's all I ask D.O : Please No )

But other than that I'm good! :D

Hopefully things will get back to normal soon and I'll get back to drawing more, not to mention to posting more. :thumbsup:
Acerbic450's avatar
Good to know you're doing well. Hope your back to normal soon too. 

What's up with the laptop? 
Lilly-Lamb's avatar
There's nothing particularly wrong with the laptop, it's just that I was scared to download Windows 8.1, because it totally messed up my dad's laptop when he tried to download it and I didn't want it to happen to me. Plus my relationship with computers is frosty at best.Kermit the staring frog 

But it's been taken care of and my laptop seems to be working, so I'll be posting stuff real soon, either tomorrow or sometime next week! Llama Emoji-39 (Eager) [V2] 
Acerbic450's avatar
Yeah those can be scary if not infuriating, nearly lost my shit when I upgraded to windows 10 and got a blue screen Horrified Worm Jeff Emote ..  Windows 8/8.1 never really felt complete, Windows 7 was perfect for drawing imo, :/.

Well it's good that it all worked out, looking forward to those posts.GIF Star vs. the Forces of Evil -  Dance