lightningmaster2001's avatar
I feel like this right now
MaliciousNature's avatar
As painful as it is, it is essential to survival.
It turns yourself upside down at times and makes you lurch for mercy finding no solace or gratitude in the arms you once knew were yours and yours alone.

I am glad that my poem written so long ago can relate still to the broken hearts of many. To know that you are not alone in the pain you feel lessens the void a little though minuscule to some it may mean more than meets the eyes and ears of many.
lightningmaster2001's avatar
I am crying my heart out right now in my mind and your poem really touched me
MaliciousNature's avatar
I understand. Heartbreak is not easy. :hug:
Thank you, it is a compliment knowing that my poem relates, although painful, do not worry so much for there are no rainbows without rain.
lightningmaster2001's avatar
True thanks for the advice you really helped me
MaliciousNature's avatar
Anytime! I'm glad I helped you, even if it was a little! :meow:
lightningmaster2001's avatar
You actually helped me a lot I feel so much better now!
MaliciousNature's avatar
Awesome! I'm glad! :hug: =P
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