LoserLunatic's avatar
Wow, he looks crazy different. Did changing the animator's free you up to do less stylized art? More production money now that it's season two? This looks to be the biggest jump in quality from one season to the next that I've ever seen with anime. That's hella nyce work, dude, congratulations.
LeSeanThomas's avatar
It's in the DESIGNS, not the animation, lol.

They just following what we send them in terms of model sheets. eah we upped the ante' it was difficult and challenging, but it paid off...
LoserLunatic's avatar
It's impressive to see how far you guys are going with the designs, sometimes they dumb it down due to animation constraints. I'll have to see it, but it's really reminding me of the style in Champloo. It's very anime, with more anatomy. Zygomatic Arch, Supercilliary Process and what not. You know how they will use more realistic anatomy to make chars look older in anime/manga. Champloo used more of it in general and had stronger designs because of it. Very good work, it appears it has paid off.

BTW is my favorite char MLK coming back this season?