Why is it gay? Just because there's a guy menaing he's in the wrong body.
JAD0N's avatar
It's a disturbing and dumb fetish that should never be taken seriously or drawn ever
AscendingVictoria's avatar
I'm sorry but you didn't have to leave that comment, and you didn't even have to click and view this artwork
AscendingVictoria's avatar
well, your comments didn't have to be made, but here it is anyway
JAD0N's avatar
Well nobody ever has to do anything, ever, but they do anyways. This "artwork" didn't have to be made, but here it is now.
kiothinan's avatar
Leave it, he/she it's a whiney little troll who is desperate to get some attention, so if you don't like it leave it. Cause your comments shouldn't be here and no one should be taking them seriously
Chloe-Cobblewatts's avatar
Don't worry, he (or should I say SHE) is secretly in the closet. Just let out your inner woman!!
JaydenTivon's avatar
You were right. 😉
JAD0N's avatar
You're a faggot too
Chloe-Cobblewatts's avatar
I'm a fucking goddess.
JAD0N's avatar
You're a fucking faggot
LexieHiveMind's avatar
Actually,whilst Transgenderism does occur within homosexuals and bisexuals,it occurs within heterosexuals as well proving cisgendered and heterosexual are not necessarily synonymous terms.