MARSCreations's avatar
How long did this take?
LVLLUV's avatar
If you look below in the artist comment it says what programs I used and how long it took, but it was over 10 hrs, I lost tack ^v^;;
MARSCreations's avatar
Shoot sorry. I completely missed that! (Distracted by the top images) But wow. Impressive. Wish I had the patience to dedicate that much time to my work... 
LVLLUV's avatar
To be honest I never really had patience for my art until a couple of months ago, but I knew that if I didn't dig deep and really put effort into them, then I wold never get anywhere~
MARSCreations's avatar
Damn... Haha when you put it like that do I really have a choice? I mean it's working out for you so I can only hope the same can go for me... 
LVLLUV's avatar
I believe that it can! ;)