DevilChildVorn's avatar
Not Kagato. The woman that Kagato was cloned from; Naja Akara. She was Washu's best friend through the Academy, and "died" a few decades before ryoko was created/born. If you look carefully, though, Naja and Ayeka and Sasami's grandmother, Seto, looks -exactly- like Naja, only her hair is light green instead of silver. But their eyes are identical, and Seto was discovered as a child on the planet Naja was killed on.

Part of the reason that Dr. Clay hates Washu is because of her friendship with Naja. Clay tried and failed many times to ask Naja out, but, to be frank, she hated his guts. XD She is even noted to have kicked Clay into a campus fountain on Washu's first day at the academy.

[link] Naja in her academy uniform. :D

[link] naja and washu watching massive destruction after Naja surprised Washu as she was testing her first self-made weapon of mass destruction. This is referenced to in Tenchi GXP as "Washu's Hole" or something similiar.

[link] naja, washu, and her hubby and son! :D
Biruchi's avatar
Yeah! I'd forgotten all about her. And I liked her!
Tenchi Muyo was one of my fav univers and pionered me into the manga stuff.

DevilChildVorn's avatar
Naja was my favorite character, because I have a thing for silver-haired women with attitude. XD

Tenchi was my first too! :D I'm just sad that I didn't discover Claymore earlier... seems like I missed the Claymore golden age by a couple of years :\

But, with the way the manga's going, we're either going to be seeing Irene or Teresa's reanimated body again within a couple of chapters, so hopefully that will help! :D I can't imagine Irene's out of the manga for good, because Galatea said something like "None of us here have the ability to reach Clare now..." which leaves Raki... who's imprisoned in the organization, Teresa, who's dead at the moment, and Irene, who's MIA. So if anyone could get through to Clare while she's in the Destroyer, I'm hoping it's Irene... cuz if it's Raki, I'll cry. XD

Kinda excited to see Teresa come back, though! Even if its as a zombie o.O