pyromancy's avatar
Actually, no. I'm saying that if I hear another sentence about "the Voice," "the Kardashians," or "Donald Trump," I'm gonna axe handle someone's neck.
Logandeathblade1's avatar
You should make something like this supporting straight marriage.
ViolinBlade's avatar
Whoever who puts that on their page would look like a retard. I mean who would be stupid enough to be against straight marriage? Straight marriage seems to be a natural thing for humans, I don't think they is need for a stamp to represent it, it's obvious 
Logandeathblade1's avatar
Not to most people. 
ViolinBlade's avatar
Yeah sure and I'm the president of the world, dude you are kidding right?
Logandeathblade1's avatar
You're president of the world?*bow* :P
ViolinBlade's avatar
You shall bow before me XD
Logandeathblade1's avatar
I forgot the ":P" face looks so bad.