Maridius's avatar
I snarfled when I saw Dennis's face! Great job the way you've led the eye straight to Dennis by keeping his lines sharper than the surrounding students'. It keeps the focus where it should be since you conquered the urge put detail where it didn't need to go. And LOVE the thumbs up! It makes an already winning expression even better!

On the puddle, it looks more like oil than water and I think it would have to be extremely dark in the Hall for it to be so black--try using more transparency so the paving stones show through, and some glint of the overhead candles too. I know they aren't pictured, but since the Great Hall uses them as their primary lighting source, a few twinkles on the puddle would add still more awesome (yeah me good with vocabulary wurdz).
MartinTenbones's avatar
You're right on the puddle, a little transparency wouldn't have hurt. I think I remember planning to work on it more before I submitted it, but I got lazy. Ah well, and thanks for the crit, its much appreciated!

Maridius's avatar
Glad to! Are you working on other fanart right now?