Neala-Ernswa's avatar

I keep hateing Potter, and Granger for not useing some of their Healing Potions to save him! tHey had some good ones! They could have tottaly saved him!

Fucking idiot Potter and his stuiped...face....
jennyraepip's avatar
I agree, 100%.

Potter is supposed to be one of the greatest wizards. Shame he couldn't have used his magic to save Snape and fix his eye sight.
janach's avatar
Nothing in canon says Harry is one of the greatest of wizards. He has his talents, but he's a classic example of the "Average Guy as Hero." This is a hard trope to pull off because readers keep wanting him to be super-powerful, but the whole point is that he's not extraordinary. He's ordinary like the reader is ordinary, but he's required to be a hero and somehow he manages to be one. That implies that we ordinary readers could be heroic too, if it were necessary. That connection is spoiled if Harry is a great wizard in a league with Dumbledore.
jennyraepip's avatar
Ah that's a good point. It's nice to see Harry as the average guy hero! I still like to assume that he has immeasurable talents, but I don't know why. I do admit that it's better to see Harry is average. I will have to remember to keep that in mind when I read the books again :)
Neala-Ernswa's avatar

You can re grow all the bones in his arm but you can't fix his eyes?
jennyraepip's avatar
Haha! Absolutely. I mean, he's probably just got a lazy eye. Us muggles can get laser eye surgery, and we're fixed. They have magic, and can't do anything. *sigh*
Neala-Ernswa's avatar
Maybe they can, but Harry was like "No way- I'm into this whole hyster look."
jennyraepip's avatar
Haha! That's definitely it. Harry's such a rebel XD