AcherontiaStyx-larva's avatar
LOL~ yeah.. he is NOT oishi at all (the hair)^^;.. but adachin hair is :heart: .. he look better XD~
who is your fave chara in tenipuri?
Allxragexunleashed's avatar
hmmmm i dont know. tenipuri wise i think my favorite is kaidoh, but for tenimyu i cant decide.
AcherontiaStyx-larva's avatar
sometimes kaido is cute ^^,..especially when he imagining DATE with inui...
and I become to liking tomo (kaido 3rd cast) since ren ai shindan >___<;
Allxragexunleashed's avatar
i looovveeee kosuke as kaidoh!! i think he made an awesome kaidoh- he has such a great voice, too!
AcherontiaStyx-larva's avatar
LOL~ i think he is! tomo is too sweat as kaido..but kuji looks adorably kowai but cute..and naoya is the real kaido! ^^; in my opinion tought XD~