fiirea's avatar
I have no idea what you are talking about..?
Yes boo camp is a great exp grind stage for Conquest especially but it also has dialogue that suggests it was originally a festival (similar to that of a harvest festival) that was attacked by Faceless
FlameZero297's avatar
What I mean is, how in the world does Xander have a costume? Unless this design was your own?
fiirea's avatar
No, it's canon. It was in the DLC itself, there's official artwork of it everywhere.
They did a poll to decide which male and female characters people wanted to see dressed up for the dlc the most and he was one of them
FlameZero297's avatar
Well I'll be. Sorry for all the confusion. I do have to say this, though. Your character reminds me of Ninian. Just a touch in this get-up.
fiirea's avatar
And they look nothing alike
FlameZero297's avatar
Hope that didn't offend you.
fiirea's avatar
Usually saying that to anyone about their character is rude and offensive
FlameZero297's avatar
My apologies. I really meant no rudeness by any of this.