IcyBlze2004's avatar
Wow another screw up for society....
GrahamArnett's avatar
Just go kill yourself.
Jeufufns's avatar
"New deviant". You must have a lot to do with your free time if you can just make an account and harass people.
IcyBlze2004's avatar
Lol kill yourself nobody would notice...
SpecimenX21's avatar
Unacceptable behavior! I don't give a fuck how much you hate this art, or the fetish, it still gives absolutely NO reasoning to tell someone to kill themself.
Jeufufns's avatar
*It was then Icy knew, he fucked up*
IcyBlze2004's avatar
*it was at this moment jeu knew he should kill himself*
GrahamArnett's avatar
You're a pathetic little man and I sincerely hope you die without a single soul to mourn you.
Varileztra's avatar
yes, indeed, YOU are a screw up for society, fuck off now and let people enjoy what they enjoy
IcyBlze2004's avatar
You fuck off people are gross..
GrahamArnett's avatar
You're an idiot. You're judgemental, stupid, close-minded, and bigoted. 
Varileztra's avatar
better than being a rude arsehole torwards people, who only draw and look at what they enjoy

because, when you don't enjoy it, simply NOT LOOKING AT IT, seems not to be an option for you keyboard warriors with your internet balls
GrahamArnett's avatar
Don't listen to him, he's just a bigoted asshole.
Better-with-Salt's avatar
Ok, I'm getting the sense that you're just an obnoxious troll, so could you just fuck off with your assertions about me (which are wrong) and live your own boring life?
IcyBlze2004's avatar
I'm not a troll you people are fucking retarded to think that crap is attractive...
GrahamArnett's avatar
Thinking it's attractive isn't what it means to be retarded you imbecile.
Crandlewax's avatar
Are you the judge of what's attractive? People can be into whatever the hell they want.
Sipraa's avatar
And who the fuck are you to judge what people likes and dislikes huh ?
U prick gaster icon - Gaster's stare | undertale 
IcyBlze2004's avatar
kill yourself lol
Sipraa's avatar
What the fuck are you complaining anyway ? If you dont like that or if its not ur fetish just go away and stop annoying people with your non-sense talk
ThomastheWest's avatar
Your words are the absolute pinnacle of public speaking. Your clearly defined points, and amazing art...oh man, the art. Wow, this MS Paint shit is the bomb.
No. Seriously. You are so narrow minded not to realize that your being an absolute gobshite with your petty fetish hating.
Don't you realize a fetish is programmed into someone at a sexual level? It is for me. And I didn't choose it. But I gotta go with it, and it's just ignorance to think people do this because they're screw-ups. I am not my fetish. And neither are any of these people.
Sipraa's avatar
Jeez...Thats a good point
Your art is pretty good for MS paint.
IcyBlze2004's avatar
Because i don't want shit like that in an art gallary
Macthebadger1's avatar
Yo my guy don't try and judge other people's art when yours looks like trash.
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