guardian-of-moon's avatar
^^; You're prolly gonna make me regret answer'n this, but my dad was in the Desert Storm War, which, I'm gonna stab in the dark, is the Saudi thing...
AlohaDevilDog's avatar
no...the only reason i ask, is that my uncle was in Ryiadh(sp?) during the gulf. He was a crypto guy when he was enlisted, then became a Warrant Officer. He was in charge of one of the courier detachments over there. There's a possibility that your dad worked for/with him. Ask him if he knows a Chief Warrant Officer DeWeerd. It's worth a shot.
guardian-of-moon's avatar
Nope... my dad says he doesn't know any DeWeerd, but he also said it was a long time ago. My dad retired 1995 as a navy chief, is your uncle still in the service or did he retire?
AlohaDevilDog's avatar
My uncle retired in 96ish? (not 100%sure) as a CWO4.
guardian-of-moon's avatar
They may have met, but maybe they were in different (wanna say) units?