X-Ray99's avatar
funny trivia

toriyama stated in an interview a while back that he didn't make any female super saiyans because he had no idea how one would you look (you know the whole getting buff when you transformed thing)
Hergman's avatar
that interview was back in dragonball GT and mostly concerned Pan

i guess he expanded his talent
X-Ray99's avatar
that aside... if pan or bra had a SSJ transformation that resembled even a bit the one of the female broly... 

i tremble in fear of that image
Hergman's avatar
ive only seen one image of that
i don't want to see more

though i wonder if this is about a genderswap world?
X-Ray99's avatar
genderswap world... Female Frieza... Female Cell... Female Boo

my mind is really charred right now... 
Hergman's avatar
You do know that Toriyama had absolutely no involvement with GT right?
Hergman's avatar
he did the preparatory designs (like pan) before the show started as well as some character guidelines.
true, he had nothing to do with the plot.

however, he was there to design the characters. and thats why pan never went super saiyan