NashD1's avatar
right, variety is very probable. Indeed I can imagine animals like Dilophosaurus and Sinosaurus having exposed croc like portions towards the tip i.e. tooth rosette and more fleshy lip structures towards the rear of the jaw. The reason I mentioned Chilesaurus is that it is the earliest known herbivorous theropod yet it does not have a beak but large front teeth, it more fits the pattern of herbivorous lizards/sauropods that never evolved beaks therefore I think basally there were true lizard lipped theropods at some point. However as soon as theropods started messing around with feathers - and therefore potentially losing scales on the face and around the oral margin - that lizard lip morphology was replaced by more fleshy or keratinized oral margins. This transition could have occurred fairly early in theropods. I did consider the tooth pocket design as Saurian depicts their T. rex I just am leery about how much jiggle would be in the lower lip area and if during bites the lower lip would get in the way of the shearing upper dentition. If you plop that lower lip lateral and inferiorly as I depict that problem is solved. A theropod with such lip morphology may have looked eerily like a canid during rapid jaw closures. However if that tooth pocket design was less floppy i.e. had a rim of scales and perhaps supporting gingiva that prevented such flop i could see the tooth pocket design being possible especially in basal theropods.
Dontknowwhattodraw94's avatar
Good idea for Dilophosaurus. The only thing I had thought about that could make sense was no lips at all or only lips on the upper jaw and nothing on the lower one.
Couldn't it be carnosaurs had scaly lips too if there weren't lots of feathers in that clade? Only thing we have is Concavenator with its possible quill knobs.
For Saurian I know they based it on monitor lizards because their "lips" are stiff, but I don't know if that's because of the scales on top of it or because the flesh in the "lips" is stiff too. I bet you're going to talk about that in the next post?

Yeah, that canid feeling got immediately aired when you posted your Hellhound rex for the first time. The head-shaking drawing based on dog pictures had that scary/adorable feel :D
NashD1's avatar
"Couldn't it be carnosaurs had scaly lips too if there weren't lots of feathers in that clade?"

Could be… can't rule it out.