jayaprime's avatar
Alright, I'm doing it. I'm starting a collection of Pythagoras trees and I'm starting with this one. Feature to follow in the future, but love how the oranges grow from the branches of the tree, really giving the impression of orange fractal blossoms.
poca2hontas's avatar
There are lots of fractal trees out there, Marije done some recent beauties and there is the Treehouse on my profile ;) what a great idea!
jayaprime's avatar
Agreed, and I still have a few blogs bookmarked that featured a lot of different fractal trees. I'll pull them up and root through them.... and get lost in the fractal forest :D
poca2hontas's avatar
I'm glad you made the 'root through them' pun and not me lol ;)
jayaprime's avatar
OMG, I didn't even notice :D :D There are some epic punnables I've got into with Simon Scheuerle on Instagram, as well as Mr. Fractal and Dr Alba Moda. That last one is a rather epic wordsmith, making somewhat surreal and abstract commentaries in his/her descriptions (and even tags).