Sekley's avatar
I think it'd be better, but honestly it's too implausible for it to turn completely invisible. I mean Indominus camouflage was done realistically like watching a chameleon or a cuttlefish. Then again the CGI was so good.
MerkavaDragunov's avatar
true and good point, the CGI is good. i think the arcade got it right as the carnotaurus looks transparent with a tint of green. but indominus CGI got it realistically.

for relevant to the picture above i think there is a trope in tvtropes relating to that... its called the coconut effect.
in which it is already drilled into the audience head, no matter how right or wrong they have to include it.
tidalwave21's avatar
I've never played the arcade game, but I have seen pics of that carnotaur. Honestly, I like that carno better than the one from Disney's Dinosaur
Sekley's avatar
The one in Disney was just a red armored T. rex with horns.
tidalwave21's avatar