WhiteTiger20101998's avatar
Nobu-Hazel's avatar
Thank you! (*´∀`*)
WhiteTiger20101998's avatar
Do u draw any manga or comic :')
Nobu-Hazel's avatar
I tried  。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 But I found out that I'd rather write than draw.
Actually one of my goals for 2016 was to draw 1 manga chapter. I wrote 85% of the script and planned the scenes, but I didn't even sketch one page.
Now my goal for 2017 is to only draw 1-2 pages looool (◞‸◟;)
I honestly think that getting a game out of me is easier than getting a manga even though my learning curve is much higher for the former (; ̄д ̄)
WhiteTiger20101998's avatar
Do you want to look some pages :))) i cant paint so it is only white and black-pic
WhiteTiger20101998's avatar
:'(( well i hope u will get your motivation to draw chap 1 soon i've tried to draw chap 1 for 1 year because i remaked it for 3 times :'(( And now i just have finish 20 page
Nobu-Hazel's avatar
Thank you! I have hand/arm/back injuries and the intense drawing for manga is likely not for me haha. Since I don't particularly enjoy it either, I think my time is better spent elsewhere.
Many published mangaka don't have perfect first volumes so I'm sure it's fine if you stop being such a perfectionist and just move forward. Your inking looks really professional, actually! Good luck with your manga!