CuzImCoolBro's avatar
Mark, you should not be blowing your nose on those. They can decapitate someone in a single blow with the sharpness and force of a guillotine. Battle axes couldn't do that shit. Seriously dude, as pink and frilly as they are, those things are dangerous weapons.
Castilight's avatar
Actually, in ancient times, it would take several attempts for a guillotine to actually cut the head off. When I visited the French Revolution, it took an average of 10.674 cuts to behead someone (Let's round that up to 11, shall we?). The movies make it much more clean than it really is. Not a pretty thing it behold, especially when you're in line for it. Thank God for time travel, am I right?
ArwenAngelis's avatar
Ow. Sooo... thoses wings are sharper than a guillotine.
Damn it Mark. Do NOT blow your nose on thoses. xDDD

Or you'll get benosed. -_-'
STRAY-BLAZE's avatar
Benosed? The heck it dat?
ArwenAngelis's avatar
Oops. XD
Sorry, seems that I've created a word.

I tried to say "Or you'll have your nose cut."
everything about this comment ^