MahAmmar's avatar
You're welcome! I just showed to my girlfriend telling her Jamin is so well done and fluffly just looking at him made me happy. It deserved a comment! :love: 

I'm not a great animal drawing myself hahahaha but I'm good at observing, so I think I can help somehow

Look at my friend Haldir here: 
Haldir, the white lion by woxys
Notice how the mane goes around his head giving the notion of depth. There's a forward layer, the one that makes the "beard"/chest fur, and a layer behind, like "hair falling" (is so weird to equal it to human hair) but it's more or less like it. 

It's even easier to see it in our main man Simba: 
Simba Simba by tigon
Notice how his head and ears are surrounded by his mane. You can see the layers cleary - chest > friend > back 
Basically, there's hair behind the ears and in front of it :P 

I hope it helped!! :dummy:
MootMoo's avatar
Awwe thanks so much Neko Emoji-42 (Kawaii Moe Smile) [V3]Anime Emoji (Blushy) 

Yes, references! I really don't utilize references as much as I know I should haha..

Thank you! I'll keep that in mind next time I draw him(Which is pretty often... in all my school notebooks... because he's based off of the person I have a crush on irl... hehehe...)
MahAmmar's avatar
Omg this is a subtle way of drawing the crush hahahaha amazing! /o/ that's why he's got so much personality. 

And np! My pleasure :happybounce:
MootMoo's avatar
Yeye! I probably should never let the real person see Jamin because he actually looks way too similar and the crush is pretty obvious imo already so he would probably suspect it's himmm. Buuuut hey random thing the crush gave me his number (w/o my asking him to he just randomly sent himself a text message on my phone aaaaa) when I was showing him a picture of my dog so thAT'S PRETTY COOL and also what a coincidence I just got a text back from him heeeeeee

If you can't tell I am in deep rn. Giant uncontrollable crush. I tell way too many people, he will eventually find out if he doesn't suspect it already lmaoooo
MahAmmar's avatar
We are always the last person to know the crush already knew :lmao: 

But hey, answer him , c'mon, bond over dogs! Giggle  I'm rooting for you!! La la la la La la la la La la la la 
MootMoo's avatar
Lmao we're bonding over bad fanfiction now huehuehue
MahAmmar's avatar
Even better ahahahahaha