Sharidaken's avatar
LOL! :lol: Funny thing about that with me is I can't stand him as much due to him being a typical someplot romance to our main characters. That's one of the reasons why I didn't like him so much. He's just another stereotypical cliched love interest you see in almost every other animated or TV show.
JackyBunnyBun's avatar
yes yes yes yes, EXACTLY THIS! XDDD 
Sharidaken's avatar
Finally! Someone else sees this as well :XD: It's one of the reasons why I can't stand him as a character let alone anywhere seen around Star :P and fans just dive right into it :P
JackyBunnyBun's avatar
Well I think Star is rather the problem, because she fell-stereotypical-in love with her best friend. I thought of it and in the first episode I already thought they would pair them. I couldn't imagine it otherwise, then he fell in love with another girl and I was like: Hm if it stays like this it wouldn't be that bad...but well xD I BET he will fall in love with her in the end. 
Sharidaken's avatar
That's what I thought myself too. It's always the character designs that get on my nerves. Every time you see a blonde haired and blue eye character they're always hooked up with some average looking guy with dark hair and eyes. :P It's like people don't bother changing their appearance in the male character that they remain the same looking. Now, Marco and Jackie on the other hand, that's a different out look which I can see. But knowing the fans and the creator I know what to expect. Which is why anything I consider using of Star vs the Forces of Evil I tend to leave Marco out it, whether it is stories or fanart :P